Материали от 1-ия семинар по РПНЗ
Презентации, направени по време на 1-ия семинар по РПНЗ
Economic and Humanitarian impact on Local Community
Presented by: Col Atanas Gerdzhikov, Department Chief of Engineer Department
Ammunition Stockpile Reduction and Security
Presented by: Mr. Sanko Bakija, MOD-M3, Ltc Miroslav Bogovic, MOD-M1, Maj Igor Loncaric, GS-J4
Regional Approach to Stockpile Reduction (RASR) of Conventional Weapons and Munitions
Presented by: Colonel Craig Croxton, Deputy, Foreign Policy Advisor
Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM)
Presented by: Ltc Clyde "Mike" Buckley, EUCOM EOD and Arms Control Office, Major Sulev A. Suvari, DTRA SALW, Mr. Eric Deschambault, Department of Defence Explosive Safety, Board/ AC/326 S65 (U.S. Head of Delegation)
Conventional Ammunition Surplus: Donor Perspective
Presented By: Jernej Cimperek, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Deputy Head of Slovenia, Mission of the OSCE
SALW and Stockpiles of Convention Ammunition: OSCE Commitments and Best Practice
Presented by: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Chairman's Report to the Workshop on Regional Approach to Stockpile Reduction
Presented By: Michael D. Miggins, Head, Arms Control and Coordination Section, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division
Regional Threats from Unstable Ammunition and Excess Weapons
Presented By: Kenn Underwood, Managing Director, Explosive and Ordnance Demilitarisation Solutions Ltd, United Kingdom / Albania
SEESAC - Regional Focus
Presented by: Diman Dimov, Team Leader, South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC), Croatia
Surplus Ammunition Issue
The Conventional Ammunition Stockpile Reduction & Destruction Problematic
Presented By: Dr. Frederic Peugeot, Ammunition Support Office, General Services Program (LG), NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA)
South East Europe Region Approach to Stockpile Reduction Workshop
Presented By: Mark W. Adams, Senior Adviser, PM/WRA, Department of State, United States
The Threats of Excess Stockpiled Weapons and Unstable Munitions
Presented By: Eric G. Berman, Managing Director, Small Arms Survey (SAS), Switzerland