Materiale din cadrul celui de-al 4-lea atelier RASR
Prezentări din cadrul celui de-al 4-lea atelier RASR
Update on NATO Trust Fund Project for Munitions Disposal in Albania
Presented by Arben Kotobelli, NAMSA Project Supervisor Albania
Demilitarization in the Region: A Practical Example
Presented by Fermîn Olivan, eXpal, Product Manager Demil
Explosive Harvesting System (EHS): From Initial Concept to Operational Reality
Presented by Roger Hess, Golden West Humanitarian Foundation, Director Field Operations
SALW Control Programme in the Balkans 2010 - 2012
Presented by Dr. Ivan Zverzhanovski, UNDP/SEESAC, Deputy Team Leader
Presentation of the 2011 RASR Research and Outputs
Presented by Pierre Gobinet and Jasna Lazarevic, Small Arms Survey
Physical Security and Stockpile Management of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
Presented by Ben A. Cacioppo, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Bulgarian Experience and Challenges in Demilitarization of Ammunitions
Presented by Lt. Col. Nikolay Nikolov, PhD. Bulgarian MoD
Surplus Weapon and Ammunition Destruction
Presented by Navy Captain Branislav Kekovic, Military Attaché, Montenegro MoD
Video of the inauguration of the reconstructed ammunition storage site 'Taras', Montenegro. 20 May 2011