Publicaţii RASR
- Carapic, Jovana, Prasenjit Chaudhuri, and Pierre Gobinet. 2016. Sustainable Stockpile Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Role of EUFOR Mobile Training Team for Weapons and Ammunition Management. Working Paper No. 24. A Small Arms Survey publication, with support from the Swiss Verification Unit.
- Carapic, Jovana and Pierre Gobinet. 2014. Taking Stock of Excess Stockpiles: UEMS in South-east Europe. Research Note No. 41. A joint publication of the Regional Approach for Stockpile Reduction, the US Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and the Small Arms Survey.
Gobinet, Pierre. 2013. Industrial Demilitarization of Conventional Ammunition. Research Note No. 37, December. A joint publication of the Regional Approach for Stockpile Reduction, the US Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and the Small Arms Survey.
» BCMS: Industrijska demilitarizacija konvencionalne municije » Bulgarian: Промишлена утилизация на конвенционални боеприпаси - Pierre Gobinet. 2013. Dynamic Disposal: An Introduction to Mobile and Transportable Industrial Ammunition Demilitarization Equipment. Issue Brief No. 3, January. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
- Lazarević, Jasna. 2012. Costs and Consequences: Unplanned Explosions and Demilitarization in South-east Europe. Special Report No. 18, November. A joint publication of the Regional Approach for Stockpile Reduction, the US Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and the Small Arms Survey.
- Gobinet, Pierre and Tom Van Beneden. 2012. Buy and Burn: Factoring Demilitarization into Ammunition Procurement. Issue Brief No. 2, April. A joint publication of the Regional Approach for Stockpile Reduction, the US Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and the Small Arms Survey.
- Gobinet, Pierre. 2012. Capabilities and Capacities: A Survey of South-east Europe's Demilitarization Infrastructure. Special Report No. 15, April. A joint publication of the Regional Approach for Stockpile Reduction, the US Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and the Small Arms Survey.
Berman, Eric G., Pierre Gobinet, and Pilar Reina. 2012. Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites. Research Note No. 6 (updated), January. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
Translations for the Research Note were funded by the US Department of State’s Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement:» Shqip: Shpërthimet e paplanifikuara në depot e municioneve » BCMS: Neplanirane eksplozije u skladištima municije » Български: Непланирани експлозии на площадки с боеприпаси » македонски: Непланирани експлозии на локалитети со муниција » Română: Explozii neplanificate la depozitele de muniţii » Slovenščina: Nepredvidene eksplozije v skladiščih streliva - Pierre Gobinet. 2011. Significant Surpluses: Weapons and Ammunition Stockpiles in South-east Europe. Special Report No. 13, December. A joint publication of the Regional Approach for Stockpile Reduction, the US Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and the Small Arms Survey.
Jasna Lazarevic. 2010.
South-east European Surplus Arms: State Policies and Practices. Issue Brief No. 1, November. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
» Shqip: Armët e tepërta të në Evropën Jug-Lindore » BCMS: Višak naoružanja u jugoistočnoj Evropi
Alte publicaţii
- Carapic, Jovana, Eric J. Deschambault, Paul Holtom, and Benjamin King. 2018. A Practical Guide to Life-cycle Management of Ammunition. Small Arms Survey Handbook No. 5. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
- Carapic, Jovana. 2018. Life-cycle Management of Ammunition (LCMA): Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Small Arms Survey Briefing Paper. April 2018 (also available in BCMS).
- Gobinet, Pierre and Jovana Carapic. 'Less ‘Bang’ for the Buck: Stockpile Management in South-east Europe.' (Chapter summary.) In Small Arms Survey, Small Arms Survey 2015: Weapons and the World.
- U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. 2013. To Walk the Earth in Safety, 12th edn. Washington: U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.
- Rigual, Christelle. 2013. Armed Groups' Holdings of Guided Light Weapons. Research Note No. 31. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
» BCMS: Lako naoružanje sa navođenjem u rukama naoružanih grupa » Български: Арсенали от управляеми преносими оръжейни системи на въоръжените групировки - Eric G Berman and Jonah Leff. 2012. Anti-tank Guided Weapons. Research Note No. 16. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
» BCMS: Protivtenkovski raketni sistemi sa navođenjem » Български: Противотанкови управляеми ракетни комплекси - Eric G Berman and Jonah Leff. 2011. Anti-materiel Rifles. Research Note No. 7. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
» BCMS: Antimaterijalne puške (12,7mm) » Български: Голямокалибрени стрелкови оръжейни системи - Eric G Berman, Matt Schroeder, and Jonah Leff. 2011. Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS). Research Note No. 1. Geneva : Small Arms Survey.
» BCMS: Ručni raketni sistemi za protivvazdušnu odbranu (MANPADS) » Български: Преносими зенитно-ракетни комплекси (ПЗРК) - UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs). 2011. International Ammunition Technical Guidelines. New York: UNODA.
- Gobinet, Pierre and Claudio Gramizzi. 2011. Scraping the Barrel: The Trade in Surplus Ammunition. Issue Brief No. 2. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. Dangerous Depots: the Growing Humanitarian Problem Posed by Aging and Poorly Maintained Munitions Storage Sites. Fact Sheet, Summer 2010.
» Bosnian: Opasna skladišta » French: Dépôts dangereux » Russian: Опасные склады » BCMS: Опасна складишта - NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). 2010. Manual of NATO Safety Principles for the Storage of Military Ammunition and Explosives (AASTP-1: Edition 1, Change 3).
- Karp, Aaron, ed. 2009. The Politics of Destroying Surplus Small Arms: Inconspicuous Disarmament. London: Routledge.
- Bevan, James. 2008. Ammunition Tracing Kit: Protocols and Procedures for Recording Small-calibre Ammunition. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
» French: Kit de traçage des munitions: Protocoles et procédures de signalement des munitions de petit calibre - Bevan, James, ed. 2008. Conventional Ammunition in Surplus: A Reference Guide. Geneva: Small Arms Survey with BICC, FAS, GRIP, and SEESAC.
- GICHD (Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining). 2008. A Guide to Ammunition Storage. Geneva: GICHD.
- OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). 2008. Handbook of Best Practices on Conventional Ammunition. Vienna: OSCE.
- MSIAC (Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center). 2006. Review of Demilitarisation and Disposal Techniques for Munitions and Related Materials. Brussels: NATO. This spreadsheet is provided courtesy of its author, the Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC).
- SEESAC (South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons). 2006. Cost Benefit Analysis of SALW Storage versus Destruction. Activity Reports, report AR/071, 22 June.
- Pézard, Stéphanie and Holger Anders, eds. 2006. Targeting Ammunition: A Primer. Geneva: Small Arms Survey with CICS, GRIP, SEESAC, and Viva Rio.
- Turner, Mandy. 2006. Cost of Disarmament: Cost Benefit Analysis of SALW Destruction versus Storage. UNIDIR/2006/14. Geneva: UNIDIR.
- OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). 2003. Handbook of Best Practices on Small Arms and Light Weapons. Vienna: OSCE.
- OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe). 2003. OSCE Document on Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition. Adopted at the 407th Plenary Meeting of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation. FSC.DOC/1/03/Rev.1. Vienna:OSCE. 19 November.